Tuesday, September 28, 2010

nobody listens. nobody cares. the diary of Brian Levy

On Sunday, September 26, 2010, Brian Levy, my band mate and good friend, asked if he could leave some stuff in my garage so we could load up some of our music equipment. Seeing as he was driving us and we needed space for amps and drums, i gladly allowed this, not knowing what kind of priceless treasure he would be leaving in my possession. He brought out a "treasure chest" containing many relics of his childhood and teen years, but one piece stood out the most...his pre teen diary.
"Check this shit out Ryan, its my 7th grade diary," Brian said. At first, I thought it was a joke, but upon further inspection, he was telling the truth. Written in many different colors and on dragon ball z paper, nothing could physically prepare me for the stories documented on these pages...these stories of sexual experimentation and growth, pre teen angst, drug and alcohol abuse, and coming of age, will forever haunt my memories.
The purpose of this blog isn't to poke fun at Brian, but rather to show the world the trials and tribulations that he overcame. We both felt that this diary was unearthed for a reason, and that these stories needed to be told to the public. I titled this blog nobody listens. nobody cares because that is just how he felt...having no one to turn to, he took to his diary.
Look forward to weekly updates as well as scans of the actual journal.

1 comment:

  1. this is seriously the best & funniest thing i've ever read. wow the version of a young boy's 7th grade adventures is sooo much different from a girl's version ... thanks for the trip down memory lane
