Wednesday, October 6, 2010

May ??, 1998

"I'm on the bus now, really bored have nothing to do. Today I have Hebrew School. I don;t think i want to go because this girl, Janene, who is really fucking fine and has 2 of the biggest tits (just kidding) I've ever seen (they are c but well formed. NICE). Well Janene dared me to scam with this girl. I've already kissed the girl alot of times. The last time i kissed her it was a very long time and right in the middle of our kiss, 2 parents turned around and saw us and my friend. Ryan. who saw the parents didn't tell me. So i was really embarraced. I saw the girl (by the way her name is Jen) or Jen at lunch again but right when the bell rang. Today on the bus I kept grabbing Martis tits because she wouldn't give me this writing thing. So the camera recorded it the bus driver saw it and I'm probably in deep fuckin' shit because the bus driver said he is gonna call my house and its sexual harrasment or whatever the crap they teach us. My mom is going to be spissed at me because they might kick me off the bus and my mom can't take me because she has work to do, she has to drive to school! One of my friends said that it probably won't happen but I'm so mad. She was grabbing my dick to, so fair is fair. I didn't want her to read this and I i'm not going to hit a girl. If it was a guy I would go beat the shit out of them if they didn't give it to me.

It's friday and i Didn't go to Hebrew school. I thought i was lucky that I didn't go but it turns out that i should have gone because Justine said to Ryan that he could feel her tits on skin! Maybe on Tuesday she'll let me because we both know for a fact that Justine likes me more. I would rather feel Janenene's + Janene is the finest girl i probably have ever seen (yeah right)! But she has a new boyfriend so we can't play truth or dare anymore. She was the main reason I played. I don't judge guys how they look but her boyfriend I am. He is so ugly and he is kind of fat and chuncky but that doesn't matter. What matters is that he is an UGLY piece of crap and he is so ugly! I'm just mad because she is not going with me. She even sold me friend she likes me. A little bit."

until next Wednesday...

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